Saturday, June 8, 2013

Preparing Ubuntu for the tt-rss installation

To install tt-rss on your server you will need to do the following:
  • Install apache2. postgresql, and some php packages
  • Create a database user ( ttrss_user )
  • Create a database (ttrss_db) belonging to the user just created.
  • Download the tt-rss package
  • Unpack the tt-rss package
  • Copy the tt-rss directory to /var/www/tt-rss and assign it the appropriate owner/group ( www-data ).

These steps are shown in more detail below:

To install the apropriate packages, type
sudo apt-get install apache2 libapache2-mod-php5 postgresql php5-pgsql php5-curl
as shown in the window below:

At this point, you should be able to verify that the apache2 server is running by entering the IP address of the Ubuntu virtual machine in a browser on your windows machine.  You should see something like this:

To create a database user, ttrss_user, type 
sudo -u postgres createuser -P -S -D -R -l ttrss_user
as shown in the window below:

To create a database, ttrss_db, belonging to the user, ttrss_user, type
sudo -u postgres createdb --owner=ttrss_user ttrss_db
as shown in the window below:

To download the tt-rss package, bring up firefox, go to the site, right click on the download link, and copy the link address as indicated in the following window:

Then paste the link address into a shell window as an argument to wget to form the following command:
As of this writing ( 2013-06-06 ) this is the latest version of tt-rss but that will change in the future.  Using a browser to get the download link should insure that you get the latest version. 

This is shown in the window below:

The download will take a few minutes.  When it is done, use the tar command to unpack the tar file as shown below:

Copy the directory that the tar package expands to to /var/www/tt-rss and change the owner/group
to www-data:
sudo cp -rp Tiny-Tiny-RSS-1.7.9 /var/www/tt-rss
sudo chown -R www-data /var/www/tt-rss
sudo chgrp -R www-data /var/www/tt-rss

as shown below:

At this point, the install can be finished from a brower.

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