Tuesday, August 24, 2010

continuing with zen cart

I probably should have mentioned that I'm using this site:


as a guide.

On this page, I see the following instructions:

You will need the following information for the installation:

* The physical path to your new Zen Cart™ directory
Example: /home2/zencart/public_html/catalog

* The Virtual HTTP Path (the URL to your domain and directory for your shop)
Example: http://www.mydomain.com/catalog

* The Virtual HTTPS Server (the secure URL to your domain)
Example: https://www.mydomain.com
Note: if you have a shared certificate on a virtual server this may look like:
- or - https://secure.sharedservername.net/~username

* The Virtual HTTPS Path (the secure URL to your domain and directory for your shop)
Example: https://www.mydomain.com/catalog
- or - https://secure.sharedservername.net/~username/catalog

I can access:

but not

What's going on here?

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